ナザール心斎橋本店 アルバイト募集中!!
We're looking for a Waiter or Waitress!!


We use a lot of vegetables.
We offer prixe-fixe menus for different situation.
If you like meeting people and don't have any experience in service,
don't worry we'll teach you how!
We're looking forward to meeting you!

Type of a job
 ホールスタッフ Waiter, Waitress
・お客様への料理、ドリンクの提供 Serving food and drinks to the customers
・料理の補佐や盛り付け等Assisting cooking and decorating food
 給与Compensation  時給 1,100円~ yen/hour
Work hours
夜18:00~22:00(繁忙期は23:00まで) Evening 18:00-22:00(23:00 for busy season)
土日祝ランチタイム有り 12:00~15:00 Lunch on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 12:00-15:00
※週2日・1日4h~OK!Twice a week・4hours/day
※時間・曜日はご相談下さい。If you have any concerns about the job, feel free to talk to us anytime.

