・Karisik Kebab
(4 kisilik)1kisilik¥1,900
・Assorted Kebabs
(For 1
(The image is for 4 persons)
・Iskender Kebeb
Grilled beef, topped with
tomato sauce and yogurt
・Tavuk Sis
・Chicken grilled on a skewer
・Döner Kebab
grilled beef
・回転肉のそぎ切り |
・NazaR Kebab
・ Beef, lamb and chicken served with tomato sauce and yogurt
・Yogurtlu Adana
・Spicy minced beef or lamb on a skewer served with tomato sauce and yogurt
・牛挽肉か羊挽肉のピリ辛串焼きヨーグルトトマトソースがけ |
・Grilled mince beef
seasoned with spices
・トルコ風ミートボール |
・Kuzu Sis
・Lamb grilled on a skewer
・羊肉の串焼き |
・Adana Kebeb
・Spicy minced beef or lamb
on a skewer
ピリ辛焼き |